Music and Dyslexia: The Therapeutic Use of Voice. Training with a child with Dyslexia (Use of songs)
Λιτση Ελιονα
Προφορική Ανακοίνωση
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This project aims to present an overview of the personal experience of music education in full inclusive- school in the context of education, pleasure and therapy, for recuperating and protecting of mental and spiritual health and more central for children with disleksia needs on reading skills, comprehension. Music therapy is considered an efficient discipline in the treatment of individuals with special needs but above all else music itself has an important place in human life both biologically and aesthetically It is known that music has the power to affect the human brain, body, energy level, mood and ideas. Music can excite or soothe, stimulate or relax, direct or set free Compelling evidence supports the position that when implemented properly, the musical arts can provide a positive, significant, and lasting benefit to learners. Benefits are explained in two main categories: benefits as a direct result of music and benefits as an indirect result of music . In order to explain the effects of music on humans both biologically and beyond, it is important to know what music is made of Dyslexia is defined as a difficulty in learning at an expected level according to age, intelligence and education that is given, even though the intelligence level of the individual is normal or above normal. Individuals with dyslexia have difficulties in many developmental areas that can be considered in the scope of music therapy. Interventions using multi-and-interdisciplinary approaches can support children with dyslexia to overcome their difficulties. There are studies showing that music interventions involving children with dyslexia provide both therapeutic and educational support for these children. In this study, voice training as an intervention that helps children with dyslexia will be presented by referring the effects of music on the learning process. voice training sessions in which the song was preferred as an agent, were carried out once a week for 45 minutes throughout an 6 month period. Various supplementary musical activities such as sight reading and writing notes, rhythmic exercises, improvisation trials and public performing were included in the process. During the sessions, the child was systematically reinforced. All the sessions were recorded with a video-camera and the recordings were analyzed and reported in the form of descriptive analysis. Findings refer positive progress in all developmental areas especially in social and emotional development in addition to the musical development while music made a significant effect on motivating the child with dyslexia and a significant role in contributing to the learning process.
Θεματικοί Άξονες |
Λέξεις-κλειδιά | |
Γλώσσα παρουσίασης | English |
Βιογραφικό σημείωμα εισηγητή/ών |
Short Biography Eliona Lici graduated Canto at Academy of Arts in Tirana, today known University of Art , Faculty of Music. She obtained the academic degree Doctor in Music with the subject in the field of Music education : Music Education in Albania in first half of XX century” . Since 2010 she has working at the Academy of Arts , today known as the University of Arts, for Vocal Ansamble, Music Curricula, Pedagogical practice, also and the till academic year she has teaching at the Departament of Education of Albanian University, Univerity of Tirana since 2018 in field of Ethnomusicology. From 2018 She teaches a group of subjects in the field of music pedagogy in Departament of Education , School of Humanities University “Ismail Qemali” of Vlora She holds: i) Msc in Music Studies Classical Singer, specializing in music. She is interested in artistic and scientific work, and her interests also lie in the field of singing, music pedagogy applied and vocal pedagogy. She has been a lecturer at international scientific conferences, and she has been invited as a lecturer on professional and scientific gatherings. She is the author of monography “Music Pedagogy in Albania (1878-1945)”. She has participated in numerous science and art conferences. |