Music Pirates: A Technologically Enriched Educational Game for reading, performing and composing Music for Classroom Use
Ματζίρης Χρήστος, Ζαφρανάς Νικόλαος
Προφορική Ανακοίνωση
Session | Ψηφιακά μέσα και μουσική εκπαίδευση ( Saturday, 16-Apr-22 17:00:00 EEST ) |
Abstract in Greek |
A game is defined as a narrative system with space-time limits that is outside the framework of normal life and creates tension, challenge and desire for success (Huizinga, 1955). Some of the characteristics of a game are rules, goals, feedback, rewards, safe environment, uncertain outcome and competition (Apostol et al., 2013; Salen & Zimmerman, 2003). Using games as learning tools promotes critical thinking, enhances students' attention, trains them to think under pressure, have fun, follow rules, and better manage victory or defeat in a completely safe environment. All of these goals are included in many curricula (Aremu, 2010). Through interaction and the cultivation of skills, students experience feelings of self-control and pleasure in the learning process (Brock et al., 2009). There are many playful music activities on the internet, most of which are played individually and include aural exercises and a score that increases depending on the correct answers. "Pirates of Music" is a technologically enriched educational game that aims to train students in reading, listening, composing and performing music. This game is intended for use in the music classroom and is a combination of a classic board game and the use of technology, thus offering direct interaction, feedback and information in a virtual world with musical activities. All of the above elements offer powerful experiences, desire to win and enhance curiosity and interest through the complexity of the information they offer (Magerkurth et al., 2005). The class is divided into 4 or 5 groups, each of which chooses a pirate that moves on a virtual map projected on the classroom board and contains the musical notes of the stave. Through listening, performing and composing tests, each group tries to increase his treasure. This is achieved when the group is playing a musical instrument correctly or when it finds the music piece performed by the teacher or the students. The process of the game is non-automated as students use a real dice and real cards whose data are entered by the teacher on the computer. The evaluation of students' performances as well as the entry of the correct answers in the aural tests is also not automated. The contribution of the game "Pirates of Music" to music education lies in the stimulation of students in listening, performing and composing rhythmic and melodic motifs but also in a number of other benefits arising from group games such as the development of social skills and cooperation. In addition, ICT, real objects and the performance of musical instruments are combined in a way that attracts the interest of the students without isolating them on a screen. Therefore, this game can enhance students' motivation to learn, developing their musical skills and fulfilling many of the curricula purposes (Aremu, 2010) such as acquiring positive attitudes and behaviors in the music classroom as well as the development of aural, performance, reading and improvisation music skills. |
Topics |
Keywords in Greek | ICT, technologically enriched educational games, game-based learning, gamification, music games, |
Presentation Language | Ελληνική |
Author(s) CV in Greek |
Matziris Christos, Integrated Master in Music Studies, MSc in Advanced Computer and Communication Systems, PhD Candidate in Music Education (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki). He is currently a music teacher and director assistant in a primary school and an ICT teacher trainer at the Ministry of Education of Greece. His main research area is student motivation for learning and music education using ICT and techologically enriched games in teaching. He has taught in many seminars on the use of technology in the classroom and he is a member of the Greek Society for Music Education (G.S.M.E.). |