Studying expression, articulation and facemask position in the choral song: An educational interactive digital application for vocal training in Greek language for amateur adult choir singers.

Άλκηστις Τόγια, Σεργίου Παύλος, Ματζίρης Χρήστος

Προφορική Ανακοίνωση

Session Ψηφιακά μέσα και μουσική εκπαίδευση ( Saturday, 16-Apr-22 17:00:00 EEST )
Abstract in Greek

In the digital age we live in, "the integration of Information and Communication Technologies in education is connected with new interactive applications focused on the possibilities of participation, innovation and creativity" (Lee & Owens, 2000, as mentioned in Poulakis, p.232, 2017). The use of ICT in the educational process should be integrated in the courses and focus on the expression of a holistic approach to learning through properly designed digital applications.

The integration of ICT in the educational process facilitates new strategies and forms of teaching, such as online and blended learning, contributing to a deeper understanding and consolidation of concepts (VanderArk & Schneider, 2012). In the field of music education, the development of interactive applications improves teaching and understanding of specific musical concepts (Pagge & Panagiotakou, 2011).

The interactive application "VoiceTutor" aims at the correct vocal placement of Soprano choir singers with the correct use of articulation and facemask during their study. The phonemes and the mask are captured in the application according to the system of the international phonetic alphabet in Greek (Zervanos, 2015).


The interface contains:

  1. A staff with the Soprano range showing the note of the phoneme activated by its name.
  2. Keys that activate the corresponding sounds. Under each note of the stave, there are 5 keys in vertical order that correspond to the 5 phonemes of the Greek language: mi, ma, me, mo, mou.
  3. Pictures of how the facemask is formed (mouth shape-face expression).
  4. 4. An image showing the oral-pharyngeal-nasal cavity and its corresponding placement in relation to the mask.
  5. Information on the placement and use of the mask.
  6. A window in which the camera is shown (if any) so that the chorister can compare his mask with that of the application image.
  7. A tool for recording and playing selected phonemes.

Under each note there is the Greek pentophonic system (α, ε, ι, ο, ου) with the addition of the consonant "μ" and "ν" for the high vocal area (Kontogeorgiou, 2012).

Through this application choir singers can study individually at any time the melody taught by the conductor, observing with more precision the general principles of use of the voice in the song. The specific process aims to improve and technically support choir singers helping them to acquire singing technique and sing with confidence.

  • Νέοι γραμματισμοί (ψηφιακός, πολυτροπικός, ηλεκτρονική πληροφορία)
  • Νέες μουσικές-τεχνολογικές εμπειρίες
  • Ψηφιακές μουσικές κοινότητες και εικονικά σύνολα
  • Η μουσική διδασκαλία-μάθηση σε τυπικά, μη τυπικά και άτυπα περιβάλλοντα
  • Πολύτεχνες παραστάσεις στο σχολείο, στο ωδείο και στην κοινότητα
  • Διδακτική μουσικών οργάνων και μουσικών συνόλων: φιλοσοφία, μεθοδολογίες και καλές πρακτικές
Keywords in Greek International Phonetic Alphabet, adult amateur choir singers, applications in music education, vocal training, Synthetic playfulness.
Presentation Language Ελληνική
Author(s) CV in Greek

Alkistis Togia graduated with a diploma from the piano and singing school of the Athens Conservatory, Intergrated Master in Music Studies at the nNational KapodistrianUniversity of Athens (2002) and MMus in music education at European University Cyprus. She is currently pursuing doctoral studies in music education for adults amateur choir members at the National Kapodistrian University of Athens. Alkistis is the conductor of various amateur choirs in Thessaloniki and has been working as a music teacher in Greek public schools. Her research interest focuses on the mental well-being of adult amateur choirs through their participation in choral ensembles. Since October 2019 το October 2021 she was a member of the administrative council of the State Conservatory of Thessaloniki.

Pavlos Sergiou studied piano and harmony with Konstantinos Kydoniatis, and holds Diplomas in Harmony, Counterpoint, Fugue & Composition with Ioannis Ioannidis. He studied Choral Conducting with Panagiotis Skoufis and Orchestral Conducting with Volker Wangenheim in Hochschule für Musik in Köln with a scholarship from the Institution of National Scholarships, graduating in 1988. As a student he conducted a number of first performances in Mauricio Kagel’s class of “New Musical Theatre”. Until 1993 he served as a Musical Director at Sachsen-Anhalt Landesbühne in Germany where he conducted a significant number of operas and classical operettas as well as symphonic concerts. He conducted a great number of concerts and opera performances in Corfu. Since 1995 he has been active as a professor in various Conservatories and a conductor of Orchestras such as the State Orchestra of Athens, Radio Orchestra, Orchestra of Colors, Patras String Orchestra,  Municipality of Athens Symphony Orchestra, Orchestra of the Greek National Opera. He is founding member of the Athens Chamber Orchestra and the Athens Youth Symphony Orchestra-ASON. Since 2000 has been teaching as professor in the Department of Music Studies / Faculty of Philosophy / University of Athens, organizing and supervising the concerts of the Department’s Chamber Orchestra. Since 2000 he serves as the Artistic Director of the Athens Orfeion Conservatory. 

Matziris Christos, Integrated Master in Music Studies, MSc in Advanced Computer and Communication Systems, PhD Candidate in Music Education (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki). He is currently a music teacher and director assistant in a primary school and an ICT teacher trainer at the Ministry of Education of Greece. His main research area is student motivation for learning and music education using ICT and techologically enriched games in teaching. He has taught in many seminars on the use of technology in the classroom and he is a member of the Greek Society for Music Education (G.S.M.E.).
