Teaching in Pandemic Times

Randall Everett Allsup

Κεντρική Ομιλία

Session Κεντρική ομιλία: Randall Everett Allsup - Teaching in Pandemic Times ( Saturday, 16-Apr-22 19:00:00 EEST )

In this presentation, I share insights about what I have learned while teaching in pandemic times – specifically, what I have learned about myself, and what I have learned about my teaching. The muddle of remote, hybrid, and in-person teaching meant that music teachers were constantly experimenting with their work. Forgotten pedagogies like portfolio-based learning suddenly made new sense. Creative teaching strategies and open-ended assignments permitted students to speak radically. Improvisation became more about invention than just building skills. With health and well-being are on my mind, my students and I created new relationships to art, repetition, and practice. The prevalence of trauma and loss made spiral-minded growth feel disingenuous. I wonder about the impossibility of what we call teacher training or teacher preparation. And processes once held sacrosanct, like dialogue, shifted –what does it mean to witness more than talk? In virtuality, the idea of curriculum-as-assemblage is newly realized outside the strictures of linear time. 

As pandemic leads to endemic, and endemic leads to . . . what? Will we abandon these insights, and return to normal? Can we?

  • Ταυτότητες και ετερότητες στη μουσική και τη μουσική εκπαίδευση
  • Νέοι γραμματισμοί (ψηφιακός, πολυτροπικός, ηλεκτρονική πληροφορία)
  • Εκπαιδευτικές πολιτικές για τη μουσική εκπαίδευση (διαχρονικά και συγχρονικά)
  • Νέες μουσικές-τεχνολογικές εμπειρίες
Keywords portfolio learning; assemblage; witnessing; open-ended learning.
Language English
Author(s) CV

Randall Everett Allsup is Professor of Music Education at Teachers College Columbia University, Chair of the Music and Music Education Search Committee (Fall 2021) and Editor of the “Counterpoints: Music and Education” series (Indiana University Press). His research interests lie in the fields of Instrumental Music Education, Teacher Education, Philosophies of Music and Arts Education, Classroom Creativity and Democratic Education, Social Justice and Equity and Urban Education. He is the author of the book: Remixing the Classroom: Toward an Open Philosophy of Music Education (2016, Bloomington: Indiana, IN: Indiana University Press).

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-X0mSo9yAO8&feature=youtu.be [1]





https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5A9AA-0Fh4&feature=youtu.be [2]