Καλλιεργώντας δεξιότητες συναισθηματικής νοημοσύνης μέσω των στίχων ενός τραγουδιού

Type Εργαστήριο (Workshop)
Start 2 years ago ( Saturday, 16 April 2022, 17:45 )
Duration 00:45:00
Code Σ17
room Αίθουσα Δ
Περακάκη Ελισσάβετ

Cultivating emotional intelligence skills through the lyrics of a song

Literature review defines emotional intelligence as the ability of individuals to recognise, understand and manage both their own emotions and those of those around them (Mayer & Salovey, 1993; Goleman, 2006). The feeling has the power to increase the intensity of one's interaction with the world. According to Mayer and Salovey (1993), the five fundamental characteristics of emotional intel... Read More

emotional intelligence, song, lyrics, empathy, self-awareness