Η ανεστραμμένη τάξη στο μάθημα της μουσικής

Type Συμπόσιο (Symposium)
Start 2 years ago ( Friday, 15 April 2022, 19:15 )
Duration 01:30:00
Chair Περακάκη Ελισσάβετ
Code Σ1
room Αίθουσα Β
Περακάκη Ελισσάβετ, Ζεπάτου Χρυσάνθη, Κότσιρα Ευαγγελία, Γεώργιος Τσίτας, Ανδρέου Έλενα

Flipped classroom: implementation, teaching approaches, and challenges in music education

The Flipped Classroom approach has been widely used to enrich teaching practices with digital tools at all levels of education, underlining the enhancing students' learning implications and experiences. In the field of music education, flipped classroom research refers to, among others, the teaching of the cello (Akbel, 2018), music theory (Doi, 2016), and ensembles (Gilbert, 2016).

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blended learning, flipped classroom, Bloom’s taxonomy, experiential learning, μεταγνώση