Orff-Schulwerk and Social and Emotional Development at early and middle childhood

Αλικάκη Μαριάννα, Αγαλιανού Ολυμπία

Προφορική Ανακοίνωση

Session Στάσεις, αντιλήψεις και τάσεις των εκπαιδευτικών μουσικής ( Sunday, 17-Apr-22 10:00:00 EEST )

Social and Emotional Development (SED) is based on Emotional-Social Intelligence which, according to Bar-On (2006), is related to a combination of various intrapersonal and interpersonal competencies, skills and facilitators in order to form effective human behavior.

The arts function both as means of non-verbal expression of emotions as a field of experimentation and creation, while, at the same time, they are characterized by their social character (Kouvou, 2010), especially those of music and dance. Orff-Schulwerk (OS) on the one hand focuses on the educational process of art, on the other hand focuses on art's contribution to the SED acting as a humanistic approach that addresses the person and his/her overall development holistically through teamwork processes (Salmon, 2012). In addition, OS allows each teacher to work creatively and critically, to interpret the approach and attempt with his/her own unique way to design and organize the educational process according to principles of OS (Salmon, 2012).  

In view of the above, the purpose of this research is to investigate the relation between OS and SED at early and middle childhood, as perceived by OS teachers. The research questions were: how teachers of OS deal with SED, how teachers integrate SED in their educational planning and which difficulties arise in their attempt to take SED in to account during an OS lesson. In the present study SED concept is described from the Bar-On model, as it identifies the interrelated relationship of emotional and social competences. However, it is combined with Erikson’s theory of Psychosocial Development, which is widely accepted and refers to all age phases of human’s life through eight developmental stages of the person (Kakavoulis, 1997). 

The sample of the research was eight fully educated teachers on OS with at least seven-year didactic experience in certain ages, who granted semi-structured interviews. Inductive analysis, constant comparison and categorization of data was followed and based on thematic categories was attempted to provide answers to the research questions. The results show that teachers of OS acknowledge the importance of SED and place it as a goal in their teaching, especially at early and middle childhood. Teachers consider art important for nonverbal and emotional expression and development of children, focusing on music, dance and the role of the team. However, teachers deal with difficulties in their attempt to connect SED and OS, which are related with the specifics of educational contexts, the relationships  within them and the educational expectations that do not empathize essentially neither the SED, nor the age of children. Considering the results, the study proposes ideas  for further connection between OS and SED. Due to the research conducted during the Covid-19 pandemic, field observation was not possible, which could enrich the data and enhance its reliability.

  • Σύνδεση της μουσικής εκπαίδευσης με την καθημερινή ζωή
Keywords Orff-Schulwerk, Social and Emotional Development, Teamwork processes, Arts
Language Ελληνική
Author(s) CV

Alikaki Marianna: Degree in D.E.C.E., N.K.U.A. Volunteer Manager, from 2018 until now, of Labyrinth of Senses, an educational project from KINITRO NGO and regular member of BRD of KINITRO NGO, from 2020. Coordinator of educational projects in LLC Edify Centre, IASIS NGO, in 2020. Involvement in diverse workshops and educational projects about creating accessible context for people with disability in culture and arts. Member of various artistic inclusive teams (including people with and without disabilities), from 2018 until now. Two-month internship as an assistant of organization and coordination of educational projects and workshops in Hellenic Theatre/ Drama Education Network.

Olympia Agalianou: Degree in sport science and physical education (N.K.U.A). PhD in pedagogy (N.K.U.A.). Studies in Orff-Schulwerk (Moraitis School), degree in music harmony. Studies in dance therapy (GADT) and systemic epistemology (A.I.A.). Co-author in collective editions in Greece and abroad and in Greek school textbooks. Publications in academic journals and conference proceedings. Educator in adults’ education programs. PE teacher in primary education (1998-2017), educator in Orff-Schulwerk studies (Moraitis School 2006-2016), external collaborator in European University Cyprus (2014-2016). Today, serves as Special Teaching Staff in the Department of Early Childhood Education, N.K.U.A. and teaches in master degree programs in University of Macedonia, Democritus University of Thrace, Ionian University and N.K.U.A.