The Orff-Schulwerk approach in Greece: Historical overview and perspective

Μαρία Σαπλαούρα, Αγαλιανού Ολυμπία

Προφορική Ανακοίνωση

Session Κοινωνικές-πολιτισμικές αξίες στη μουσική αγωγή και εκπαίδευση ( Saturday, 16-Apr-22 09:00:00 EEST )

The term Orff-Schulwerk refers to the pedagogical work of the composer Carl Orff (Orff, 1978) and is one of the most widespread approaches to music and dance education worldwide. Today in the prevailing English terminology is translated from German as “elemental music and dance pedagogy” while in Greece nowadays it is known as Orff music-movement education and formerly as "Orff system" (Agalianou, 2021). There is a multidimensional between Orff’s pedagogical thinking and Greece's culture. Carl Orff regards his Schulwerk as an idea that needs to be adapted and remodeled according to the cultural and historical capital of each country and not as an exportable product (Orff, 1978). The effort of this adaptation to various cultures is of particular interest (Regner, 2011) and as an approach it must preserve its simplicity and remain open without ever taking its final form (Haselbach, 1992). These are the reasons why the investigation of Orff-Schulwerk's evolution in Greece is of research interest. This paper attempts a historical review of Orff-Schulwerk in Greece. The starting point is a comprehensive report on the essential relationship of Orff-Schulwerk with ancient Greek philosophy, continuing with the historical study of the evolution of Orff-Schulwerk that begins in 1936 when for the first time Thrasyvoulos Georgiadis uses material from Orff-Schulwerk in the lessons at the Koulas Pratsika School (Georgiadis, 2018) and until 2021. The research is based on data from bibliographic reviews, articles and books, archival material and interviews. The main archival materials come from Polyxeni Matey's School, follows the evolution of professional education in Orff-Schulwerk at the Moraitis School (1986-2021) and the archives of the Hellenic Orff-Schulwerk Association (1990-2021). In addition, the study of the relationship of Orff-Schulwerk with the Greek educational system was taken into account, which was investigated through the curricula and textbooks of all levels of education (1969-2021). At the same time, the research includes the study of Orff-Schulwerk in the Greek community as well as the relations with the international Orff-Schulwerk community and organizations, which operate as a super-national network of cooperation and exchange (1990-2021). According to the results of the research, there is an ever-evolving multifaceted relationship between Orff-Schulwerk and the official Greek educational system, which also concerns the educational contexts of music and dance. There also seems to be a continuous presence of the Greek Orff-Schulwerk community in the international arena through relations and collaborations with institutions and presence in international organizations. The main limitation of the present study is the lack of investigation of Orff-Schulwerk applications and implementations in the field through observation and interviews with teachers. This issue remains open for future investigation.

  • Ιστορία της μουσικής εκπαίδευσης στην Ελλάδα
Keywords Orff-Schulwerk, Greece, historical review, historical evolution, perspectives
Language Ελληνική
Author(s) CV

Maria Saplaoura: Degree in Social Theology of N.K.U.A. and graduate of the three year Orff-Schulwerk course (Moraitis School). Degree in harmony and contemporary song. Postgraduate student at the MSc Program "Music education in formal and informal environments" (University of Athens). Graduate of training programs (KEDIVIM - University of Macedonia, Orff Institut) and attendance of seminars with instructors from Greece and abroad. Co-creator of the Musical Fairy tale "White Stone Black Line" with Lena Rontouli. Music teacher in conservatories, kindergartens and in adult Orff-Schulwerk workshops. Member of the group "Percussion for children" with Vangelis Karipis. Secretary of the Hellenic Orff-Schulwerk Association E.S.M.A.

Olympia Agalianou: Degree in sport science PE and dance (S.P.E.S.S., N.K.U.A.), two year Orff-Schulwerk course (Moraitis School), PhD in pedagogy (N.K.U.A.). Degree in harmony. Studies in dance therapy (GADT) and systemic epistemology (A.I.A.). Writer in collective scientific publications and in textbooks. Publications in scientific journals and conference proceedings. Educator in lifelong education in Greece and abroad. PE teacher in elementary school (1998-2017), teacher in the professional Orff-Schulwerk courses at the Moraitis School (2006-2016), external collaborator of the European University Cyprus (2014-2016). Today she serves as special educational staff in the Department of Early Childhood Education (N.K.U.A.) teaches in master programs of the University of Macedonia, Democritus University, Ionian University and N.K.U.A.