Design, development and evaluation of a training seminar for Music Primary Education teachers using the method of Distance Learning
Σταυρουλάκη Αναστασία
Αναρτημένη Ανακοίνωση
Session | Παρουσιάσεις Πόστερ ( Sunday, 17-Apr-22 11:30:00 EEST ) |
Abstract in Greek |
The present study deals with the training of Primary Education music teachers with the method of Distance Learning, in the field of Active Music Listening and specifically through the musical work "The Carnival of Animals" by Camille Saint-Saens. This online training seminar combines synchronous and asynchronous teaching methods, as a "Mixed - Combined learning environment" (blended learning). The Educational Material was created according to the principles of Multimedia Learning (Mayer, 2002), while it was combined with a Teleconference. The pedagogical approach to the training was based on three assumptions: a) adult education, b) critical thinking and the practical application of acquired knowledge and c) the relationship between technology and distance education. The duration of the training seminar was 6 teaching hours, of which 5 were related to the autonomous study of appropriately designed educational material, which included self-assessment activities, participation in forums and the preparation of a final work - a lesson plan. One hour was about the Teleconference that took place after the study of the educational material. The research focused on both the evaluation of the educational material and the realization of the Teleconference. The methodological tool for carrying out the research process was defined as the completion of a questionnaire by the participants, which contained closed-ended and open-ended questions. By choosing the two types of questions (closed and open type) is examined the existence of specific factors of the educational material in shaping the views of music teachers through quantification and they also are given the opportunity to express personal opinions, without any guidance, on the quality of the seminar and the possibility of further improvement. The sampling for this research was random and was done nationwide. In the present research, 42 questionnaires were completed by the 52 participants of the seminar in total. Closed-ended questions structured based on the Likert scale were used to measure the data of the research process, where the answers were graded from "Absolutely Disagree" to "Absolutely Agree" (scale from 1 to 5). In the open-ended questions, the respondents gave answers, the scope of which depended on the nature of the questions and were not predetermined. The processing of the quantitative data, which have come from the closed questions of the questionnaire, was carried out based on the statistical program "SPSS΄΄ for "Windows΄΄, while for the qualitative data, which resulted from the open questions, Atlas.ti version 7.5.7, special software was used. The participants positively evaluated both the Educational Material and the course of the Teleconference. Training programs or seminars on music education can be compatible with distance learning methodology, in combination with synchronous and asynchronous methods. (Kos & Goodrich, 2012; Sherbon & Kish, 2005) This effort aspires to contribute to the best planning, the most complete organization and the effective application of the methods of Distance Learning in the training of Music Teachers. |
Topics |
Keywords in Greek | Music Teacher Training, Online Seminar, Active Music Listening, Distance Education, Distance Assessment of Educational Material |
Presentation Language | Ελληνική |
Author(s) CV in Greek |
Anastasia Stavroulaki was born in Rethymno, Crete. She is a Music Theory teacher at the Music School of Rethymnon. She is a graduate of the Department of Music Studies (Aristotle University, Thessaloniki), holder of degrees in Advanced Music Theory, Trumpet and Byzantine Music. In 2020 she obtained a Master's Degree from the Pedagogical Department of Primary Education of the University of Crete, in the program: "Education Sciences - Distance Learning using ICT (e-learning). She is a member of the editorial team of the Journal "Music in the First Grade" and a member of E.E.M.E. In 2015 she created the blog "". She has attended and participated as a trainer in seminars of music pedagogical interest, her activity focuses on the fields of Music Pedagogy and Distance Education. |