Teacher's role in music ensemble selection: music school case study

Θεοδώρα Τσιμπουρη

Προφορική Ανακοίνωση

Session Στάσεις, αντιλήψεις και τάσεις των εκπαιδευτικών μουσικής ( Sunday, 17-Apr-22 10:00:00 EEST )
Abstract in Greek

There are two factors that influence the dynamics of the teacher-student relationship, the course itself (whether it is a favourite course or not) and the teacher (Ligizou, 2002). The interaction with the parents, friends and teachers also influences students' beliefs and motivation to engage in music and continue their efforts (McPherson, 2009; Sichivitsa, 2007). Consequently, students can create and express themselves musically in a context of democratic relationships with their parents, teachers and peers (Creech & Hallam, 2011). According to Pitts' (2009) research results, student’s participation in music ensembles was affected by the attitudes of music teacher, as well as the influences from peer groups.

The aim of this research is to study the role of the teacher in the participation of students in a music ensemble of a music school. The research questions of this study are: a) How grades affect the participation of students in a music school ensemble? b)Does the teacher influence students' participation in an ensemble? The choice of qualitative research to investigate the above questions, using interview and observation as information gathering tools, was considered the most appropriate in this particular case. The research population (with a consequent sample) was defined as all the students of the Rhodes Μusic School participating in the European choir, the a capella choir and the European orchestra. 

From the responses of the students who participated in the survey, it seems that the score is not an important factor in the selection of the set. As far as the second part of the question is concerned, the survey indicates that the conductor of the ensemble is  determining factor according to the students. The importance of a good relationship between the teacher-conductor of an ensemble and the children, in gaining self-confidence, enthusiasm and positive feelings about music as well as in achieving musical achievements, was emphasized by the participating students. Thus, additionally contributing to the socialisation of the students and the acquisition of a positive relationship with the school, as well as their commitment to the ensemble. Some negative behaviours of children occured, which also led to ensemble change, due to the fact that the pupils did not feel free and creative in the ensemble, but disconnected from their artistic and musical reality, as the relationship with the teacher was disturbed.

  • Μουσικές εμπειρίες στο σχολείο, στο ωδείο και στην κοινότητα
  • Ζητήματα αναπαραστάσεων και ιδεολογιών στη μουσική εκπαίδευση (φυλή, φύλο, γλώσσα, τάξη, κουλτούρα κ.ά.)
  • Μουσικές εμπειρίες, δια βίου μουσική μάθηση και ευζωία
  • Διδακτική μουσικών οργάνων και μουσικών συνόλων: φιλοσοφία, μεθοδολογίες και καλές πρακτικές
Keywords in Greek Keywords: music ensemble, motivation, conductor, music school
Presentation Language Ελληνική
Author(s) CV in Greek

Tsimpouri Theodora is a Coordinator of South Aegean Music Education. She has been the Headmistress of the Music School of Rhodes for 11 years. She holds a Master's degree in Education Sciences and Music Pedagogy and has also graduated from the Department of Primary Education of the University of the Aegean.  She has published articles in scientific journals and edited volumes and has presented papers in Panhellenic and International Conferences. She has been a member of the scientific and organizing committee and a judge in both Educational Conferences and International Art Festivals and Competitions. She has organized numerous training courses, seminars and artistic events. Her research interests include Intercultural Education, the use of ICT in Music and the Psychosocial role of Music Education.
