Teaching piano in music schools and New Technologies: Using E-class Learning Management System as a supportive tool in piano classroom

Άννα Μπαμπαλή

Προφορική Ανακοίνωση

Session Διδακτική ευρωπαϊκών μουσικών οργάνων ( Sunday, 17-Apr-22 10:00:00 EEST )

The use of ICTs is part of the Greek State School learning process. According to the new Era that Education faces globally, Greek Education has employed New Technologies as a significant learning tool. Their value is connected with the evaluation system of the Greek educational process, incorporated as a tool for self-evaluation and evaluation from peers, or for evaluating students by teachers, or even for school marking. (167603/ΓΔ4/9-12-20) The experience from the pandemic year proved that new technologies were the main way to continue teaching in all educational levels. (Zioga, 2021) But how can teaching the piano be combined with the use of new technologies? This article will endeavour to give an answer to this question. It will present the teaching material created for combining the Webex e-learning platform with eclass platform tools. It will show the connection of this material to the piano curriculum according to the level of the students that were involved. Finally it will show the results to the students’ progress and propose new educational practices for piano teaching in Music State Schools.  

  • Νέες μουσικές-τεχνολογικές εμπειρίες
  • Διδακτική μουσικών οργάνων και μουσικών συνόλων: φιλοσοφία, μεθοδολογίες και καλές πρακτικές
Keywords New Technologies, Music State Schools, Piano Teaching, eclass
Language Ελληνική
Author(s) CV

Anna Babali took her piano degree with excellence, from the Municipal Conservatory of Chalkida. She also holds the Advanced Harmony degree and the Counterpoint degree. She studied music at Anglia Ruskin University at Cambridge (B.A. Music), Goldsmiths College- University of London (MMus) and at Middlesex University (MA Music Education). She has participated in various piano master classes given by famous pianists, and she has given performances of solo piano repertoire and chamber music in Greece and abroad. She has presented papers at International Conferences and Symposiums in Greece and abroad, related to education, piano teaching and 20th century Greek composers. She has given seminars in England, Cyprus and Greece about 20th century Greek composers. Her articles have been published in academic international Journals in both Greek and English language. She has taught music in UK schools and the piano in State Music Schools and Private Conservatories in Greece. She has organised and administrated school exchange programs (etwinning-Erasmus+) presenting piano music by Greek composers in Italy and Spain. She is co-author of the Guide for Piano Teachers for Music Schools in Greece, to be published by the Institute of Education (I.E.P) and the Ministry of Education of Greece. Her research interests are related to music/piano teaching and the 20th century Greek composers.