“Betwixt and Between”: Navigating Conflicting Music Educational Values During Troubled Times

Estelle R. Jorgensen

Κεντρική Ομιλία

Session Κεντρική ομιλία: Estelle Jorgensen - “Betwixt and Between”: Navigating Conflicting Music Educational Values During Troubled Times ( Friday, 15-Apr-22 18:00:00 EEST )

Music teachers are caught between good and evil, and in Aristotelian vein, too little or too much of a good thing.  They navigate between the conceptual world of ideas and ideals and the phenomenal world where values may be more-or-less realized. Their predicament is exacerbated by the wider context of troubled times that raise the stakes for finding a way forward. In illustrating these musical and ethical dilemmas, two antithetical values—inclusion and exclusion—are sketched. Five principles are outlined that may guide music teachers in negotiating the fraught middle ground between conflicting values in search of a music education that benefits humankind in all its diverse manifestations.

  • Πλουραλισμός και ιεραρχίες αξιών στη μουσική εκπαίδευση
  • Σύνδεση της μουσικής εκπαίδευσης με την καθημερινή ζωή
Language English
Author(s) CV

Estelle R. Jorgensen is Professor Emerita of Music (Music Education) at Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, U.S.A., Contributing Faculty at Walden University, U.S.A., and Editor of the Philosophy of Music Education Review. The founding co-chair of the International Society for the Philosophy of Music Education, she has edited two essay collections Philosopher-Teacher-Musician: Contemporary Perspectives on Music Education, and (with Iris Yob) Humane Music Education for the Common Good, and authored In Search of Music Education, Transforming Music Education, The Art of Teaching Music, Pictures of Music Education, Values and Music Education, and numerous articles in music educational journals internationally. She is the recipient of two honorary doctoral degrees in music and the 2020 Senior Researcher Award by the National Association for Music Education in the United States.