Μουσική, επικοινωνία και εμπειρία

Type Συνεδρία (Session)
Start 2 years ago ( Sunday, 17 April 2022, 13:15 )
Duration 01:15:00
Chair Κοκκίδου Μαίη
Code Σ21
room Αίθουσα Β
Κοκκίδου Μαίη

The nature, value, and meaning of music experiences: theories and perspectives for music education

A large part of philosophy, theory, and practices of music education is centered around the music experience for the comprehension and interpretion of music texts, actions, and functions. By definition, music experiences are bodily-kinaesthetic, social, emotional, and cognitive, with cultural and moral dimensions (Kokkidou, 2015).

Music teachers are required to provide their students with... Read More

Key-words: music experience; music education; meaning

Ανδρέου Έλενα

Music: A comparative study of music representations by students in the context of Secondary schools and Music Secondary schools.

It is well-known that relationships and different forms of communication play a major role in students’ lives because they shape their personal and social identity (Corsaro, 1997). Practising and listening to music can be equally important as they enable students to develop their self-motivation and self-expression in order to discover themselves. As a powerful force of communication and emotio... Read More

music, music school, secondary schools, social representations

Μαρία Νάκου

Exploring the musical identity of a teenage girl in Greece: A case study

Music is inherent in everyday life of every human being, highlighting the aesthetic and emotional dimensions of social life (DeNora, 2017). Exploring the role of music in people's lives and shaping musical identities is a research interest of contemporary music education (DeNora, 2017; Kastner, 2009). Musical identity is defined as the complete image of an individual in relation to music (Mills... Read More

Keywords: Musical identity, Self-concept, Self-esteem, Self-efficacy

Ευθυμίου Σπυριδούλα

Teaching songs in nursery schools in our country

 Song is the basic method of music education at school in our days, round which a lot of music expression elements can be developed, as well as a lot of music concepts can be applied to. International bibliography (Gudmundsdottir, 2018· Zdravković & Đorđevi, 2020) notes that our lif... Read More

pre-school education teacher, teaching songs, methodological approaches and practices