Μουσικές εμπειρίες στο σχολείο

Type Συνεδρία (Session)
Start 2 years ago ( Saturday, 16 April 2022, 10:30 )
Duration 01:30:00
Chair Μαρία Παπαζαχαρίου-Χριστοφόρου
Code Σ10
room Αίθουσα Δ
Άννα Αρχοντοπούλου

Exploring and interpreting the musical behaviors of a group of children in a public nursery school in Greece: A case study

Children's musicality is innate (Barett, 2010; Gordon, 2013; Malloch & Trevarthen, 2009;) and presents a wide range of behaviors that include rhythmic expression, movement, singing, vocal improvisation, musical play and composition (Welch, 2006; Young, 2002). As a special educator, I observed daily that movement, rhythmic games, composition of rhythmic patterns with body percussion, so... Read More

characteristics of musical behaviors, preschool children, functions of musical behaviors

Δέσποινα Χαμάλη

Kindergarten children meet the Greek traditional song through a modern perspective: An educational intervention in preschool education with reference to the Theory of Multiple Intelligences (Gardner)

            The distancing of music education from practices that promote exclusively the mental model in the classroom is now a one-way street. Gardner's theory looks like a roadmap in this direction. Its very inspirer (Gardner & Hatch, 1989), having identified early on that linguistic and logical intelligence are the ones that are evaluated and made visible i... Read More

personal experiences, Gardner’s theory, Greek traditional song, early childhood, educational intervention

Αγγελική Κωνσταντακοπούλου

“ I learn how to read… through singing” : Case study in the First Grade

Various scientific fields have proven the interrelation between the universal human codes of Language and Music, which seem to be unified under the term “singing”. Rhymed poems and songs have accompanied virtually every manifestation of human life throughout the ages and are included in formal and informal education.

The study field of Music Pedagogy has provided positive results on the c... Read More

Language and Music, song and reading, First Grade, case study

Δέσποινα Γιώρα, Κωνσταντίνα Νικίδου, Αθανασία Σταματιάδου

The usage of Audio books as an alternative approach of tales with music: the case of the transferring of the book “Jazz dog” 

Our project was conducted in the frame of the course of “Songs for children and Tales with songs” and our topic was the “Processing and Presentation of Tales with songs”. The continuous development and usage of technology, as well as its application in the educational procedure led our team to an alternative approach of our topic and to the creation of an audio book, featuring music and sound e... Read More

identity, acceptance, creativity, redemption, internal completeness.