Μουσική εκπαίδευση στην ειδική αγωγή

Type Συνεδρία (Session)
Start 2 years ago ( Friday, 15 April 2022, 20:00 )
Duration 01:00:00
Chair Κόνιαρη Δήμητρα
Code Σ4
room Αίθουσα Γ
Τσαμπατζίδης π. Θεόδωρος

The color alphabet and music education of students with dyschromatopsia

An extremely important factor related to the very common vision problems, but without the  necessary importance given, that concerns the recent research and will affect the educational policy and the modern learning environment is the dyschromatopsia. It is estimated that 350 million people, about 10% of the male population, that is one in twelve men and 0.5% of the female population and o... Read More

vision problems, color blind alphabet ColorADD, teaching music to students with dyschromatopsia

Μαρία Φιλιάνου

From Kindergarten to High School: The Music education trajectory of a Student with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in a non-formal environment

The case study presented here refers to a student with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), who started his music education in kindergarten. His music way until today, 7 years later, continues and is an interesting and useful case for the scientific community. The significance of the aforementioned case is based on the fact that the planning, the application and the assessment in the passing of time... Read More

Autism Spectrum Disorder, music education, case study.

Καμηλάκη Αρετή

Music and Dance for individuals with ASD. Benefits to improving quality of life

The present study examines the improvement of life quality for students with "Autistic Spectrum Disorder" (ASD), by using interventional music and dance educational programs. The term quality of life is characterized as a multifaceted and complicated case, undefined and directly dependent on the research approach (Economou et al, 2001). In the present investigation, the quality of life focuses... Read More

Special Education and Music, Quality of Life, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Dance.
