Ταυτότητες και ετερότητες και μουσική εκπαίδευση

Type Συνεδρία (Session)
Start 2 years ago ( Saturday, 16 April 2022, 10:30 )
Duration 01:30:00
Chair Αγγελίδου Σοφία
Code Σ9
room Αίθουσα Γ
Αγγελίδου Σοφία

LGBTIQ+ diversity and music education

In the field of Humanities and Education, new key terms are understanding, acceptance, and respect for diversity, aiming at inclusive societies and communities according to democratic ideals. However, what do we mean by diversity? Diversity is an umbrella concept that includes individuals or social groups differentiated from the dominant culture due to language, race, religion, gender, etc. Reg... Read More

LGBTQ+, gender identities, diversity, inclusion, music education

Κωνσταντίνα Βασίλογλου

Gender stereotypes in music: Challenges and obstacles encountered by women in male-dominated musical environments

       This study examines the challenges and obstacles faced by female musicians who are active in unconventional gendered musical spaces. The research is based on the point of view of Critical Theory, where the purpose of science is considered to be the emancipation of individuals and groups towards a more equal society, and the realization of social change (Regelski, 2005... Read More

gender stereotypes, gender inequality, female musicians, male dominance

Ευσταθίου Ρέα

Musical activities as a means of empowering differentiation among children in the school environment

Cyprus music classrooms in mainstream schools are places where children with and without disabilities are educated together. Cyprus legislation regarding education of children with disabilities follows a policy of integration, however, there has been a process of change towards a policy of inclusion based on human rights (Συμεωνίδου & Φτιάκα, 2012). This presentation is part... Read More

music in school, inclusive music programme, differentiation

Νικολάου Ειρήνη

Improvisation in the context of music education as a means of fostering creativity

Today's education aim at all levels is to enhance creativity as well as the development of divergent and critical thinking. Although creativity is essential in all areas of human activity, it is greatly underestimated in education, mainly due to the lack of implementing activities that promote creativity with students, which largely stems from the lack of training of future teachers on more cre... Read More

action research, improvisation, creativity, informal learning, university students

Ράπτης Θεοχάρης

The history of emotions as a basis for emotional education in music lessons

Currently there is an increasing discussion about the importance of children's emotional competence. Due to the relationship between music and emotions, it is important to redefine music’s place in educational contexts towards a direction of emotional education. This redefinition should certainly consider the achievements of music psychology in recent years (Juslin, 2019). But, even more import... Read More

Music education and emotions, emotional competence, history of emotions, genealogy of emotions
