Η μουσική στην κοινότητα

Type Συνεδρία (Session)
Start 2 years ago ( Saturday, 16 April 2022, 10:30 )
Duration 01:30:00
Chair Βαρβαρίγου Μαρία
Code Σ8
room Αίθουσα Β
Σαλτάρη Ρεγγίνα, Διονυσίου Ζωή

Motivations, identities, and values in children’s playground musical games

There has been growing research interest in children’s musical experiences that occur outside the classroom (e.g. school playground, home, community). Playground musical games are communities of musical practice (Barrett, 2012), in which children participate voluntarily, exercise agency, and explore their identities and values. The findings from relevant studies contribute to an understand... Read More

musical games; children; motivations; identities; values; performance

Ακογιούνογλου Μίτσυ, Διονυσίου Ζωή

Music within a prison community: A music project at a Second Opportunity School in the Correctional Facility of Corfu


Music, as a socially constructed activity, is an act with many diverse meanings. As a non-verbal communication code, music contributes in the making of the social and cultural identity of those who engage with it (McCarthy, 2008). The design and coordination of a music project at a Second Opportunity School in the Prison of Corfu is an endeavor beyond the ordinary context of music... Read More

music in prisons, adult inmate students, second opportunity schools, community music, tertiary education

Ολοκτσίδου Ήβη, Κωνσταντάκου Κλειώ, Ακογιούνογλου Μίτσυ

The imprint of the experience of community music facilitators in Greece and Germany: a phenomenological approach

The present research aims to identify and methodically study the lived experience of twelve musicians who are active as facilitators in community music groups in Greece and in Germany. The goal is to capture the individual, musical and  social identity of music facilitators and music leaders as it is subjectively presented within their narrations, and to record the skills that are needed t... Read More

music facilitator, community music, tertiary education, music identity, social identity

Ετμεκτσόγλου Ιωάννα, Σαλτάρη Ρεγγίνα, Ελένη Κοκκινομηλιώτη, Ευθυμίου Σπυριδούλα

“Swifts”: A musical theatre play in the context of Acoustic Ecology and its effects on the emerging ecological self

The unfolding ecological crisis highlights the need for an education that creates the conditions for the development of an ecological self, which includes identifications with human species as well as with nature (Naess, 1989). In the context of Acoustic Ecology, when an animal becomes the main character in a musical theatre play, opportunities are created for deeper knowledge of its species, i... Read More

ecological self; music theatre performance; learning snapshots; Apus apus; Swifts

Λυδία Λινάρδου

Music education in the years of the refugee crisis: the role and skills of the music educator


In recent years, the Greek reality has been affected by the phenomenon of the refugee crisis. Undoubtedly, like any socio-political change, the impact on the daily lives and mental health of refugees has been overwhelming. In this context, engaging in musical activities has been shown to contribute to improving the well-being and socialization process of refugees in host countries... Read More

vulnerable groups, refugees, music education, music educator