Στάσεις, αντιλήψεις και τάσεις των εκπαιδευτικών μουσικής

Type Συνεδρία (Session)
Start 2 years ago ( Sunday, 17 April 2022, 10:00 )
Duration 01:30:00
Chair Μαρία Παπαζαχαρίου-Χριστοφόρου
Code Σ19
room Αίθουσα Γ
Μίντζα Μαρίνα

Exploring the use of boomwhackers musical tubes in formal education: a qualitative research with music teachers

The developments of the last decades in the science of Pedagogy have exerted a great influence on Music Pedagogy. The theories of the representatives of constructivism Dewey (1966), Bruner (1961), Piaget (1971), but also of social constructivism represented by Vygotsky (1978), laid the foundations for the creation of a new form of educational learning, according to which the individual really l... Read More

musical tubes boomwhackers, formal education, practices, benefits, music teachers.

Θεοδώρα Τσιμπουρη

Teacher's role in music ensemble selection: music school case study

There are two factors that influence the dynamics of the teacher-student relationship, the course itself (whether it is a favourite course or not) and the teacher (Ligizou, 2002). The interaction with the parents, friends and teachers also influences students' beliefs and motivation to engage in music and continue their efforts (McPherson, 2009; Sichivitsa, 2007). Consequently, students can cre... Read More

Keywords: music ensemble, motivation, conductor, music school

Νασία Κώνστα

Ethical Dillemas and Matters of Ethical Judgements of the Music Educators in Public Primary and Secondary Greek Educational System

      The intense social changes that occur on an international level, urge any thinker to reconsider some fundamental questions such as “what is right to do? “or “how do I react to this? “These questions relate to the principles and moral values that guide our behaviour, in other words our morality. These morality issues pose a current and diachronic subject under consideration... Read More

ethical dillemas, professional ethics, Code of Ethics, music education

Κολυδάς, Τάσος

Knowledge mining on network data about education; detecting music community attributes through Greek Association for Music Education web server logs

Internet use is a key aspect of modern education and society (Herring, 2010). The World Wide Web in particular holds a special place for teachers, as they turn to it for information when they study, work and socialize. Web server logs contain a great deal of information about who uses a Web site and how they use it (Ingram, 1999). However, the volume of this information often raises problems fo... Read More

Web log data mining, Music communities, Internet technologies

Αλικάκη Μαριάννα, Αγαλιανού Ολυμπία

Orff-Schulwerk and Social and Emotional Development at early and middle childhood

Social and Emotional Development (SED) is based on Emotional-Social Intelligence which, according to Bar-On (2006), is related to a combination of various intrapersonal and interpersonal competencies, skills and facilitators in order to form effective human behavior.

The arts function both as means of non-verbal expression of emotions as a field of experimentation and creation, while, at... Read More

Orff-Schulwerk, Social and Emotional Development, Teamwork processes, Arts